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en Diurnal variation in mental activities of French pupils and influence of test protocol.

Par François TESTU

Related Articles

Chronobiol Int. 1992 Dec;9(6):439-43


The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the test protocol (individual vs. group) on the diurnal variations in mental activity of 18 11-year-old pupils. Number cancellation, a spatial orientation test, and mathematical problems were tested four times on three successive Fridays at 08:45, 11:15, 13:45 and 16:45 h. On the first and third Fridays the tests were performed on the group of subjects, whereas individual subjects were tested on the second Friday. Results indicated a possible influence of the test protocol (individual vs. group) on intellectual rhythmicity. Only in the group protocol did we find the psychological profile which is normally observed, namely, a performance increase during the morning, a postlunch fall, and then an increase in the afternoon. We suggest the existence of some group effect in these performance tests.

PMID: 1473197 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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